vendor/doctrine/orm/src/EntityRepository.php line 110
namespace Doctrine\ORM;
use BadMethodCallException;
use Doctrine\Common\Collections\AbstractLazyCollection;
use Doctrine\Common\Collections\Criteria;
use Doctrine\Common\Collections\Selectable;
use Doctrine\DBAL\LockMode;
use Doctrine\Inflector\Inflector;
use Doctrine\Inflector\InflectorFactory;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata;
use Doctrine\ORM\Query\ResultSetMappingBuilder;
use Doctrine\ORM\Repository\Exception\InvalidMagicMethodCall;
use Doctrine\Persistence\ObjectRepository;
use function array_slice;
use function lcfirst;
use function sprintf;
use function str_starts_with;
use function substr;
* An EntityRepository serves as a repository for entities with generic as well as
* business specific methods for retrieving entities.
* This class is designed for inheritance and users can subclass this class to
* write their own repositories with business-specific methods to locate entities.
* @template T of object
* @template-implements Selectable<int,T>
* @template-implements ObjectRepository<T>
class EntityRepository implements ObjectRepository, Selectable
/** @psalm-var class-string<T> */
private readonly string $entityName;
private static Inflector|null $inflector = null;
/** @psalm-param ClassMetadata<T> $class */
public function __construct(
private readonly EntityManagerInterface $em,
private readonly ClassMetadata $class,
) {
$this->entityName = $class->name;
* Creates a new QueryBuilder instance that is prepopulated for this entity name.
public function createQueryBuilder(string $alias, string|null $indexBy = null): QueryBuilder
return $this->em->createQueryBuilder()
->from($this->entityName, $alias, $indexBy);
* Creates a new result set mapping builder for this entity.
* The column naming strategy is "INCREMENT".
public function createResultSetMappingBuilder(string $alias): ResultSetMappingBuilder
$rsm = new ResultSetMappingBuilder($this->em, ResultSetMappingBuilder::COLUMN_RENAMING_INCREMENT);
$rsm->addRootEntityFromClassMetadata($this->entityName, $alias);
return $rsm;
* Finds an entity by its primary key / identifier.
* @param LockMode|int|null $lockMode One of the \Doctrine\DBAL\LockMode::* constants
* or NULL if no specific lock mode should be used
* during the search.
* @psalm-param LockMode::*|null $lockMode
* @return object|null The entity instance or NULL if the entity can not be found.
* @psalm-return ?T
public function find(mixed $id, LockMode|int|null $lockMode = null, int|null $lockVersion = null): object|null
return $this->em->find($this->entityName, $id, $lockMode, $lockVersion);
* Finds all entities in the repository.
* @psalm-return list<T> The entities.
public function findAll(): array
return $this->findBy([]);
* Finds entities by a set of criteria.
* {@inheritDoc}
* @psalm-return list<T>
public function findBy(array $criteria, array|null $orderBy = null, int|null $limit = null, int|null $offset = null): array
$persister = $this->em->getUnitOfWork()->getEntityPersister($this->entityName);
return $persister->loadAll($criteria, $orderBy, $limit, $offset);
* Finds a single entity by a set of criteria.
* @psalm-param array<string, mixed> $criteria
* @psalm-param array<string, string>|null $orderBy
* @psalm-return T|null
public function findOneBy(array $criteria, array|null $orderBy = null): object|null
$persister = $this->em->getUnitOfWork()->getEntityPersister($this->entityName);
return $persister->load($criteria, null, null, [], null, 1, $orderBy);
* Counts entities by a set of criteria.
* @psalm-param array<string, mixed> $criteria
* @return int The cardinality of the objects that match the given criteria.
* @todo Add this method to `ObjectRepository` interface in the next major release
public function count(array $criteria = []): int
return $this->em->getUnitOfWork()->getEntityPersister($this->entityName)->count($criteria);
* Adds support for magic method calls.
* @param mixed[] $arguments
* @psalm-param list<mixed> $arguments
* @throws BadMethodCallException If the method called is invalid.
public function __call(string $method, array $arguments): mixed
if (str_starts_with($method, 'findBy')) {
return $this->resolveMagicCall('findBy', substr($method, 6), $arguments);
if (str_starts_with($method, 'findOneBy')) {
return $this->resolveMagicCall('findOneBy', substr($method, 9), $arguments);
if (str_starts_with($method, 'countBy')) {
return $this->resolveMagicCall('count', substr($method, 7), $arguments);
throw new BadMethodCallException(sprintf(
'Undefined method "%s". The method name must start with ' .
'either findBy, findOneBy or countBy!',
/** @psalm-return class-string<T> */
protected function getEntityName(): string
return $this->entityName;
public function getClassName(): string
return $this->getEntityName();
protected function getEntityManager(): EntityManagerInterface
return $this->em;
/** @psalm-return ClassMetadata<T> */
protected function getClassMetadata(): ClassMetadata
return $this->class;
* Select all elements from a selectable that match the expression and
* return a new collection containing these elements.
* @psalm-return AbstractLazyCollection<int, T>&Selectable<int, T>
public function matching(Criteria $criteria): AbstractLazyCollection&Selectable
$persister = $this->em->getUnitOfWork()->getEntityPersister($this->entityName);
return new LazyCriteriaCollection($persister, $criteria);
* Resolves a magic method call to the proper existent method at `EntityRepository`.
* @param string $method The method to call
* @param string $by The property name used as condition
* @psalm-param list<mixed> $arguments The arguments to pass at method call
* @throws InvalidMagicMethodCall If the method called is invalid or the
* requested field/association does not exist.
private function resolveMagicCall(string $method, string $by, array $arguments): mixed
if (! $arguments) {
throw InvalidMagicMethodCall::onMissingParameter($method . $by);
self::$inflector ??= InflectorFactory::create()->build();
$fieldName = lcfirst(self::$inflector->classify($by));
if (! ($this->class->hasField($fieldName) || $this->class->hasAssociation($fieldName))) {
throw InvalidMagicMethodCall::becauseFieldNotFoundIn(
$method . $by,
return $this->$method([$fieldName => $arguments[0]], ...array_slice($arguments, 1));